How To Excel At Online Interviews: 3 Easy Tips

online interview
These days, many admissions committees conduct online interviews, as they prefer to meet with applicants virtually. Here is what you need to do

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Online interviews became very popular in 2020 as a result of the pandemic. Due to COVID-19, many companies, as well as medical and dental schools, had to adapt to health concerns by replacing in-person interactions with virtual ones. These interviews are conducted digitally through platforms such as via Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, and others. Even a year after the pandemic, many schools still choose to conduct online interviews.

Why Online Interviews?

The admissions departments prefer the new methods and will continue to virtually meet with applicants in the years to come. One reason is that it is cheaper for schools to have an online interview rather than in-person gatherings that require many additional resources from the school. The new technology also makes it easier for many schools to interview a greater number of applicants in a shorter time span and find the best candidates possible for their respective programs. Therefore, the acceptance rate of applicants is going to be significantly more competitive than ever before. Applicants must pay careful attention to the quality of the equipment they use, while also focusing on other considerations during the interview.

How to stand out in online interviews

In this article, we discuss important items such as webcams, microphones, and lights that you may need to improve your appearance. While many applicants may not need to upgrade their existing equipment, we strongly suggest you do so. The ultimate goal is to leave a positive impression with your interviewer conveying your professional nature. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate professionalism through your words, dress, appearance, and even the equipment you use for the interview.


While most phones provide high resolution cameras, we do not recommend doing an online interview with a phone. When you rely on a phone, you subject yourself to a myriad of potential issues, including running out of battery, the phone may change orientations or get very hot and need to be restarted, and many others. These are not problems you want to deal with on the big day. Similarly, many laptops use 720p resolution and may not provide excellent video quality. Thus, in order to improve the quality of your video output, you may consider buying one of the options below:


While most laptops have built-in mics, the lack of active noise cancelation delivers poor quality with background noise that may distract the interviewer. Many times, the interviewer may hear echoes or their own voice because of that issue. In addition, if you use an external mic, your voice will come across clearer and you may not have to speak as loudly due to the sound amplification. Therefore, in order to strengthen your sound output, you may opt to purchase one of the external microphones below:


You may have good lighting in your room. However, you should improve the overall quality by purchasing additional lights that connect to your laptop or stand behind it. These lights can take many shapes or forms, including ring lights, light bars, clip lights or even gooseneck lights. We recommend one of the options below in order to greatly improve your interior lighting:

If you have questions or need more help, please contact us.

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