TOEFL Tips for CAAPID/PASS Applicants

Logo of TOEFL iBT by ETS
In this article, we will go over the most common concerns we get from CAAPID/PASS applicants about TOEFL

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The TOEFL exam is a required part of the application process for international dentists who wish to study in the United States. Performing well on the test is critical to demonstrate your English language skills. In this article, we will go over the most common concerns we get from CAAPID/PASS applicants about TOEFL. Here are some helpful tips for international students who are planning to pursue a dental education in the United States through ADEA CAAPID and ADEA PASS.

When should I take the TOEFL if I apply for CAAPID?


The best time to take the TOEFL exam will be determined by the deadlines of the dental schools to which you intend to apply.

Some dental schools may have specific TOEFL score requirements, so you should take the exam early enough to have time to retake it if necessary.

To be an early applicant at the start of the cycle, we recommend taking the TOEFL by mid-February at the latest.

What is a competitive TOEFL score for CAAPID/PASS?


The TOEFL score requirement for ADEA CAAPID/PASS may vary by school, so it is best to check the requirements of the programs you plan to apply to. Some programs may require a higher score, while others may accept a slightly lower score.

Typically, a competitive TOEFL score falls within the range of 100-110 for the internet-based test (iBT). The competitiveness of your score is influenced by the performance of other applicants in the pool, and your country of origin also plays a role. Scores exceeding 110 are generally regarded as strong indicators of language proficiency.

It is important to note that TOEFL scores are only one factor in the admission process; dental programs will consider many other factors when evaluating applicants, including academic performance, clinical experience, personal statements, and letters of recommendation, as well as any relevant demographic or cultural factors that may impact the applicant’s background and experience.

Do dental programs accept TOEFL Home Edition?


Some programs do. One important consideration is that many programs may prefer or require TOEFL exams to be taken at testing centers. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no TOEFL Home Edition, and most schools did not accept this exam during the 2020 and 2021 cycles. However, in 2022, numerous institutions began to allow the TOEFL Home Edition as an alternative to the traditional TOEFL test.

If you plan to take the TOEFL in the upcoming cycle, it may be ideal to do so at a testing center to ensure that you will satisfy the requirements of the majority of programs. This will help to mitigate any potential complications that may arise if schools decide not to accept home-edition exams in the 2023 cycle.

Please keep in mind that each dental program may have its own specific requirements and policies regarding which TOEFL test types they accept. Therefore, you should always check with the program directly to confirm which tests they accept before registering for the exam.

Are TOEFL MyBest scores accepted by CAAPID or PASS programs?


Most dental schools do not accept the TOEFL MyBest scores. These scores are an option for test-takers who have taken the TOEFL exam more than once, and the highest section scores from multiple test dates are considered.

Please keep in mind that each dental program may have its own specific requirements and policies regarding the acceptance of TOEFL MyBest scores. Therefore, it is always a good idea to check with the program directly.

Should I report the TOEFL score to ADEA after the exam?


When registering for the TOEFL, you have the option to select up to four institutions to receive your scores. However, we recommend against including CAAPID/PASS or any other dental programs among these institutions. The reason is that if you receive an unsatisfactory score, it will still be reported to ADEA and cannot be removed from your CAAPID/PASS application, even after its expiration in two years. The test scores may be retained in your application for up to five years.

If you do not select ADEA CAAPID as a recipient when you register for the exam, you must send your scores later by logging in to your ETS account and requesting that your scores be sent to ADEA. There may be an additional fee for this service, so it is best to check the ETS website for the latest information on score reporting fees.

It is important to note that ADEA requires official TOEFL scores directly from ETS and will not accept score reports that are sent by the applicant or any other third party. So, make sure that your official scores are sent directly from ETS to CAAPID/PASS to meet the application requirements.

How can I improve my TOEFL score?


There are several things you can do to improve your TOEFL score:

1. Familiarize yourself with the test format: The TOEFL test includes four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Review the official TOEFL preparation materials and take practice exams to become familiar with the format of each section.

2. Practice your English language skills: The best way to improve your skills is to read news articles, watch movies and TV shows, listen to podcasts, and speak and write in English as often as possible.

3. Take a TOEFL preparation course: Consider taking a TOEFL preparation course or working with a tutor who can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and provide targeted practice and feedback.

4. Improve your vocabulary: Building your English vocabulary can help you understand more complex texts and improve your ability to communicate effectively in English. You can improve your vocabulary by reading extensively and using vocabulary-building resources, such as flashcards and vocabulary lists.

5. Manage your time effectively: The TOEFL test is timed, so it is important to pace yourself during the test. Practice taking timed tests to get used to working under time constraints and develop strategies for managing your time effectively.

Remember that improving your TOEFL score takes time and effort, but with consistent practice and dedicated study, you can achieve your goal of getting a better score on the exam.

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